
《中止》【講演会】「私の故郷、私の言葉、私の文化:ディアスポラのイラン人移民におけるVatan(祖国)の形象」 Lecture “My land. My language. My culture: The depiction of Homeland for Iranian immigrants in the diaspora.” by Dr. Zahra Taheri


会場:早稲田大学 戸山キャンパス 34号館 1階 151教室(地図はこちら
題目:「私の故郷、私の言葉、私の文化:ディアスポラのイラン人移民におけるVatan(祖国)の形象」“My land. My language. My culture: The depiction of Homeland for Iranian immigrants in the diaspora.”

In this presentation, two major migrations throughout the Iranian history will be discussed: 1) Zoroastrians migration to India, after the Muslim invasion of Persia and downfall of the Sassanid Empire in 651 AD; and 2) Iranians migration to the so called “west” after the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and downfall of the Pahlavi Dynasty.

In the first migration, Zoroastrians involuntary left their homeland in order to save their life, religion, language, culture and traditions. The only thing Parsis carried with them in their long journey from Iran to India, as the symbol and memory of their homeland, was a flame of their sacred fire, Atash-e Bahram for establishing their fire temples.

After the 1979 Revolution also, Iranians involuntarily left their homeland in order to save their life and freedom. In the long journey to their host countries, this time they did not carry any objects as the symbol of their homeland. The concept of ‘homeland’ for them was changed to what a human beings can carry in their hearts and minds: Their Culture.

17:35 主催者挨拶
17:40 ターヘリー氏講演
19:00 休憩
19:10 ディスカッション、質疑応答
20:00 終了予定


司会:岡真理(早稲田大学 文学学術院 教授。現代アラブ文学、パレスチナ問題。)
桜井啓子(早稲田大学 国際学術院 国際教養学部 教授。比較社会学、イスラーム地域研究、イラン地域研究。)
石川清子(静岡文化芸術大学 文化政策学部 名誉教授。フランス語マグレブ文学。)
藤元優子(大阪大学大学院 人文学研究科 名誉教授。イラン文学、イラン。)
